Helensburgh Orchestral Society

Play Day Saturday 1 July 2023, Victoria Halls, Helensburgh

The Helensburgh Orchestral Society is having a play day in Helensburgh with our conductor Derrick Morgan and we’d love you to join us. The suggested minimum level is at least Grade V plus and we are looking for viola and violin players, a trombone, a tuba and percussion!

What are we playing? 

  • Wagner’s Overture for Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg and 
  • Elgar’s Wand of Youth Suite One

If I want to check out the music?

  • We’ll send a link, separately, once you’ve signed up

How much will it cost?

  • £20 per person, £15 for students

What does the cost cover?

  • a full day of playing
  • tea, coffee and tray bakes
  • a buffet lunch to share together

What’s the plan for the day then?

We have drawn up a rough schedule for the day. This may be subject to change, though the start and finish times will remain the same:

  • 10.00   Start for setting up / warming up
  • 10.30   Rehearse
  • 11.35   Rehearse
  • 12.30   Lunch together (provided)
  • 14.00   Rehearse
  • 15.30   Refreshments break
  • 16.00   Informal play through – friends and family welcome to sit in
  • 17.00   The end

What do I need to do now?

Please reply to helensburghorchestrasecretary@gmail.com as soon as possible if you’d like to come and let us know your instrument and whether you have any dietary requirements.